Our club offers a wide variety of activities to fit every interest and prosper by the enthusiastic participation of all our members. We encourage our members to join as many interest groups as they wish. Membership is open to all women living or working in Mt. Lebanon. Our monthly functions just to name a few are: Book Clubs, Chick Flicks (Movies), Ladies Luncheons, and Gals on the Go. Come to connect to other members and to the community. We have a jam-packed year planned with several all-Club events. Details of our social events and activities are included in our membership directory, online calendar and weekly newsletters. for more information about the club email mtlnewcomers@gmail.com.
Our interest groups include:
- Midweek Meetups: Meet at local establishments to catch up. Guests and children are welcome.
- Dining in the Burg: Multiple times a year we dine out in the Pittsburgh area.
- Ladies Luncheons: Explore a different restaurant every month.
- Potluck Lunches & Dinners: Bring a dish to share with friends.
- Newcomers Cares: Focuses on community service and activities.
- Morning Book Chat: a serious group of readers and friends meet monthly.
- Gals on the Go: Dining excursions, entertaining activities, craft fairs and fun!
- Mahjong: Join us monthly for a game of skill, strategy and calculation.
- Chick Flicks: Movies with the girls
- Breakfast Club: Early risers and those who work 9:00-5:00 meet at eateries in the South Hills.
- Walking Group: Meet once a week for about 1 hour of walking and conversation at various locations.
- Game Night: Learn new and revisit old classic board and card games monthly.
- In-a-Pinch: Illness? We’re here for you! All members are included in this group which helps out fellow newcomers who find themselves temporarily “in a pinch”.
If you would like more information about the club or want to come to a few public events before joining, email: newcomers@gmail.com.